Chuck Bertini | February 6, 2024

Supply Chain Disruptions. Again?


Just as the electronic component industry was settling down from supply chain volatility, once again, global conflicts are causing concern. Longer shipping routes in certain regions are causing delivery delays and transportation cost increases. Purchasing and design engineers are prudent in asking:

“Will a ripple effect be felt globally?”

“Do I need to be planning now for increased costs, longer supply chain lead times and shortages?” 

While no one positively knows the long-term impact of these potential disruptions, in the short term there is no indication that the market will experience the same deep challenges of recent years. A January 22 article from Supply Chain Connect provides some interesting perspectives.

Connector Market is Stable

From our perspective, as a franchised electronic connector component distributor, ElectroShield feels comfortable advising our customers that there is no need to overreact. Our supply chain specialists are in close contact with our manufacturers on a daily basis, and none are anticipating any major supply chain issues at this point as they do not directly use the affected shipping routes.

Strong On Hand Inventory

ElectroShield’s inventory position is very solid. Over the past 12 months, we have diligently managed our inventory levels and purchasing schedules to ensure our on-hand stock position and pipeline are optimized for the next 12 months and beyond.

Prudent Planning with a Reliable Partner

While there is no need to load up on your component inventory, it is recommended that you boost communication with suppliers. Working with ElectroShield’s sales team, we can assist to ensure you avoid any possible market issues. A few prudent steps where we can assist include:

  • Determining your Estimated Annual Usage (EAU)
  • Setting up a stocking program
  • Scheduling deliveries aligned with your production schedules 

Connect With Us

We’re here to help when you need us. Contact your salesperson directly reach out to us by phone at (800) 662-1054 or email

About the Author

Chuck has a breadth of industrial and technical B2B marketing experience gained from leading internal marketing initiatives for multi-national manufacturers as well as working in agency settings. He uses his marketing background to translate ElectroShield’s product line-up and value-added services into benefits that matter to design engineers and procurement professionals when making a critical supplier-partner decision.
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